
Showing posts from July, 2019

module 1 - fashion evolution my final zine

module 1 - fashion evolution

Notes on what my zine will consist of by 2030, the industry  could reach a standstill  — with natural resources becoming so jeopardised that any move towards a more sustainable future will be near impossible.   over 218 million children are hard at work  —  73 million of those are working in hazardous conditions  that "directly endangers their health, safety, and moral development. While it's much easier to track the life of clothing once it's already made, retracing its origins is another story. That's why transparency, at every level, is crucial.  I  want to look into how fast fashion has not only effected the planet and how much environmental damage it has had over many years but also how fast fashion could not happen without sweatshops, child labours and unfair wages. Fast fashion is happening on such a mass scale because clothes are being made so cheaply and becoming so readily available, even some couture and d...

module 1 - fashion evolution

How to print final zine File - print booklet  Booklet type - sadle stitch Margins - automatically adjust to fit marks and bleeds  Preview - make sure theres no errors  Print settings - make sure all pages are selected, make sure spreads is ticked Setup - selectA4 landscape, scale to fit  Marks and bleeds - make sure crop marks are ticked, tick bleed and slug Printer - check its on double sided print, duplex printing  Press okay Press print  Package file  File  Package  No errors  Include idml ticked Do this before you package  Command A Type - create outlines

module 1 - fashion evolution

First half of my zine Looking into the historical context of fast fashion Looking into the triangle shirtwaist factory fire and what proceeded because of that horrible incident. Why its still relevant today and how it still to this day impacts our lives. It was a tragedy that opened the nations eyes to how truly awful the working conditions in garment factories was.  Activists and labor unions like the International Ladies Garment Workers Union were at the forefront of this push for reforms. In1911 New York State did the most thorough investigation of factory conditions in U.S history. This bought new standards of workers rights throughout the country and has since been built up over many years. Although from looking at this fire and researching the horrific conditions these migrant workers were put you might think we’ve come such a long way, but your very much mistaken as we still have such a long way to go. For example a more recent ev...

module 1 - fashion evolution

The rise of sweatshops With massive immigration into the US  especially beginning in the late 1880s, sweatshops became common in American cities on the east coast. Southern and Eastern European  immigrants  were easy targets for manufactures and large companies who wanted to hardly dirt and only provided poor working conditions.  In many cases a lot of newly arriving immigrants were just glad to be provided jobs no matter how low the wages as there was so much discrimination and racial segregation. Many management systems took advantage of these immigrant workers who were thankful for any kind of job and worked them long, hard hours with no breaks and neglected the safety of these workers; removing any consideration for the human factor. Many governments knew about these awful working conditions however were most unwilling to intervene. It wasn’t until 1938 that minimum wage and maximum hours was legalised and sweatshops began to disappear from Amer...

module 1 - fashion evolution

"slow fashion" "ethical production" new zine idea Tim Flanning disusing the great barrier reef Stella McCartney sustainable style  young consumers are changing the game  the younger generation are more conscious about what their buying and the origins of what their buying than any other generation  Numerous studies done in the past few years have confirmed that upwards of 65-70 percent of consumers under 35 around the world report that they will choose brands or retailers based on their ethical practices. brand 'EverLane'' was one of the first next gen brands to give detailed information about the factories, costs and raw materials sources for its clothing Stockholm-based Swedish Stockings has bucked the decline in the hosiery business by making its sheers and tights entirely of eco-friendly recycled yarns and using recycled purified water and renewable energy sources in its closed-loop production system. brands such as Levis and Gap have also ...

module 1 - fashion evolution

page 1 Introduction page  Explaining what my zine is about: Throughout this zine I’m going to be looking into the historical context behind ‘fast fashion’ and were it all began and comparing it to how far (or little) we have come. I’m going to be looking at the negative effects the fashion industry has created over time, such as: cheap child labour, sweatshops, mass wastage and extreme environmental issues. I’m going to be delving into why these issues have occurred but also how as a generation we need to face the facts and realise why it is so hard to escape the tunnel we dug. Social influencers, the general want for cheaper clothes and continually new trends, internet shopping and this habit of 'throwaway fashion’ that has been drilled into our skulls; and we wonder why fashion is not becoming more sustainable. 

module 1 - fashion evolution

Second half of my zine m going to be looking into the contemporary context into fast fashion and negtivley comparing it to the first half of the zine by showing how little we have actually grown in terms of cheap labour and how its only really gotten worse with clothing companies such as Primark and Asda making clothes so extremely cheap people are calling it the “throwaway fashion” era. I am going to look at the rippling effect fast fashion has on not only the planets health and well-being but also how fast fashion has so negatively impacted the rise of garment sweatshops especially in places such as Bangladesh and china. I am going to talk about a historical event which happened only a couple of years ago which seems very shocking that we haven’t learned from the triangle shirtwaist factory factory fire of 1911; this is the Bangladesh garment factory collapse of 2013 which killed 1,134. We obviously haven’t learnt our lesson. The building in which the collapse took place containe...

module 1 - fashion evolution

Notes on my zine layout The layout of my zine will be like two separate books. The zine will be spilt down the middle my a piece of red transparent plastic paper with the same pattern on as the front cover ‘the rise of fast fashion’ printed over and over again to fill up the whole page.  The first half of my zine will be historical context looking back at how fast fashion came about, where it all started and how many big fashion business preyed on the migrants coming in to countries like America to use them as cheap labour in sweatshops. I will mention the triangle shirtwaist factory of the 1900’s and how that sparked the development of a series of laws and regulations that protected the safety of the workers. The first half will be full of big, dramatic, bold text that will catch the readers eye and it will consist of lots of facts in big font so it will be more impactful.  My whole zine is going to be in black and white except for the bright pop of colour I will sewin...

module 1 - fashion evolution

Fast Fashion historical and contemporary influences: Saint Laurent, became the first couturier to open a ready-to-wear boutique under his name, 1966 Natalie Massenet, founded net-a-porter in 2000 London, a website selling designer fashion 

module 1 - fashion evolution

What the presentation should include how it relates to a contemporary fashion issue  historical and contemporary influences such as celebs, role models etc explain whats going to be included inside the zine short presentation/2 mins concept mood board that summarize the topic? or 3-4 images 

module 1 - fashion evolution

History of collage  Coined by cubist artists Braque and Picasso Defined by fractured forms and deconstructed subject matter  George Braque (1882-1963) Collage became an influential form of art The first artist to use mixed media in their works  DADA art movement 1916, they questioned every aspect of a society capable of starting a war  They were often very left wing and radical  They aimed to destroy traditional values in art Surrealism  Constructivism 1919 - started in Russia to promote communism  Contemporary art inspired by a broad range of topics  Barbara Kruger Mixed media 

module 1 - fashion evolution

My stance on fashion ethics  Morals Equal rights  Showing both men and women empowerment  Using fashion as a resource to bring awarnesss about certain situations that are going on into gays society such as global warming and the environment and the effect fast fashion is having on this planet  Fashion to me is a way in which to express yourself and a great accesable tool to help bring awareness to the ever growing probelm of mass wastage due to the trend of fast fashion.

module 1 - fashion evolution

Zine design - Monday 15th October  Possible formats;  Timeline  Interviews  Case studies Potfolio Logical  Illustrated Curated Documentary Mixed media  Presentation prep Give title of zine  Research question  Explain in a couple of sentences the focus of your research topic  List a selection of your related contemporary brands, influencers and products  Discuss in a few sentences who you plan to communicate your cingemapry fashion movement  Prepare to answer questions 

module 1 - fashion evolution

Thursday 11th October -research zines  - PYMCA - resear ch - photo archive Major civilisations  The renaissance  TheTudor  Elizabethan Georgian Regency Victorian  Late Victorian (1870s-1890s) growing urbanisation Rising American super power  Electricity age Modernity trend  Foundation of fashion system/haute couture (Charles Fredrick Worth) Harper’s bazar/fashion magazines Access for the working class to middle/upper class entertainment  1892 Chicago worlds fair  ‘The modern women’ Fashion dolls  120 years of fashion  1900s  home electricity/telephones Motor cars Counter industrialisation  Art nouveau/organic forms Hyper femininity/soft colours  Triangle shirtwaist factory fire (morality in fashion) - research  Maximum adornment Hour glass figure/wasp waist  The Gibson girl/cottage loaf Alphonse Mucha 1910’s Freedom from the corse...